"Honey, the Reverend Jim Jones says he wants us to gather up the kids and meet him at the Temple so we can all commit suicide together."

"Well then, we better get over there. After all, if it's God's will, what choice have we?" 


"The Kool-Aid Is Being Served"
Posted November 23, 2004 thepeoplesvoice.org

By: Kerry Tomasi

It's been difficult for many in this country to comprehend the downward spiral we seem to be caught up in, and more precisely, why so many of their fellow citizens appear to be positively giddy about it - wholeheartedly embracing those in power who are determined to drag us down. 

But it hasn't been difficult for me. I've been observing both the leaders and followers of this theologically driven right wing movement for 20 years, and warning of the dire consequences that lay ahead.

I knew what they were all about, and where it was headed.

Still, there appears to be something more going on right now; something peculiar and unanticipated, but with a vaguely familiar feel about it.

You can see it in their eyes, and hear it in the obedient and adoring rhetoric. You can observe the categorical rejection of any "outside" information or ideas. And you can sense the anger emanating from behind the smiling (and sometimes not so smiling) façade, directed at the "unbelievers". 

Where have we seen it all before?

"Mr. Applewhite says the spaceship is here and it's time to buzz cut our hair, put on some Nikes, and prepare to shed our human 'containers'. Oh, and he wants you to castrate yourself."

"Well, I guess that's it then. You grab the shoes, and I'll get the scissors." 

"Honey, the Reverend Jim Jones says he wants us to gather up the kids and meet him at the Temple so we can all commit suicide together."

"Well then, we better get over there. After all, if it's God's will, what choice have we?"

"Sweetheart, David Koresh said God told him to have sex with me and our 14 year old daughter."

"Well, if that's what God wants. Let's go find her and give her the good news."

"Dearest, George Bush wants to abolish environmental regulations, push Social Security and Medicare into insolvency, eliminate all governmental programs that help the poor and disadvantaged, and bankrupt the treasury. Oh, and he wants to invade a sovereign country or two, steal their oil, and kill all of their inhabitants - if need be."

"Well, then we better support him no matter what. After all, he was appointed by God, so anything he does must be God's will."

Yep, there's a definite pattern developing here. 

Time to get ready. 

They're preparing the Kool-Aid right now.


© Copyright 11/23/04 by Kerry Tomasi. Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title remains unchanged.