is Fascism? October
21, 2003 This may surprise most educated people. One of the
more common government strategies today, especially in developing regions is
fascism. Fascism is commonly confused with Nazism. Nazism is a political
party platform that embraces a combination of a military dictatorship, socialism
and fascism. It is not a government structure. Fascism is a government
structure. The most notable
characteristic of a fascist country is the separation and persecution or denial
of equality to a specific segment of the population based upon
superficial qualities or belief systems. couplescompany.com

Ha ha ha, what fools...
US voting system vulnerable to fraud October
20, 2003 ANDREW GUMBEL Something very odd happened in the mid-term
elections in the US state of Georgia last November. On the eve of the vote,
opinion polls showed Roy Barnes, the incumbent Democratic governor, leading by
between 9 and 11 points. But then the results came in, and all of Georgia
appeared to have been turned upside down. Barnes lost the governorship to the
Republican, Sonny Perdue, 46 per cent to 51 per cent, a swing of as much as 16
percentage points from the last opinion polls. nzherald.co.nz
Diebold Issues Cease and Desist to
Indymedia October 20, 2003 Posted by michael
h0mee writes "Diebold, manufacturer of election equipment, has issued
a Cease
and desist notice to the upstream provider of San
Francisco Indymedia for having LINKS
to mirrors of a leaked internal diebold memo. More than just a case of a leak,
Diebold has been raising a
lot of questions about the fairness and security of elections in the United
States. (Perhaps it's time for peer reviewable software like gnu.free
The Global Redlining of America, Bush
Plunges U.S. Into Rapid Decline October 20, 2003
The previously unthinkable is now on the table. Russia, the world’s second
largest oil exporter, is giving serious consideration to trading its black gold
in euros, a switch that would surely set dominos in motion among other oil
producing nations and, ultimately, knock the dollar off its global throne.
Americans can thank George Bush and his Pirates for accelerating a process that
might have taken decades to evolve, but which now looms as a “catastrophe”
on the horizon. “ blackcommentator.com
Bush rejects Guantanamo Bay prisoner
torture claims October 20, 2003 Agence
France-Presse U.S. President George W. Bush denied the military had tortured
suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba, during an interview
screened on Australian television yesterday. A US-based lawyer acting for two
Australians being held at Guantanamo Bay claimed this month that detainees at
the camp were subjected to "medieval" torture, including having rubber
bullets fired at them. etaiwannews.com
US marines accused of killing prisoner October
20, 2003 The US military has charged eight US marine reservists with brutal
treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war that may have resulted in the death of
one detainee. Military prosecutors allege that an Iraqi man named Najim
Sadun Hatab died at Camp Whitehorse in early June, following a possible beating
by US guards. Details of the incident remain unclear. The most serious and
sweeping accusations are being levelled against Major Clark Paulus. He has been
charged with negligent homicide, assault, cruelty and maltreatment, dereliction
of duty and making false statements, Lisbon said. The other officer involved in
the case, Major William Vickers, faces one count of dereliction of duty, he
said. aljazeera.net
U.S. commander killed in Iraq firefight
12-hour battle in holy city claims six lives Saturday,
October 20, 2003 (CNN) Four U.S. military police, including a commanding
officer, and two Iraqi policemen, were killed in two separate incidents Friday.
The latest deaths bring the number of U.S. troops killed in hostile fire since
President Bush declared an end to major combat to 101. Among those killed in a
12-hour gunfight in the holy city of Karbala was the 43-year-old commanding
officer of the 716th Military Police Battalion, 101st Airborne Division. edition.cnn.com
Bush’s News War October
20, 2003 By Richard Wolffe and Rod Nordland SOMEONE THREW A homemade
grenade at the Americans, wounding 13 servicemen. According to the Oct. 8 Daily
Threat Assessment—the Coalition’s internal casualty report, which was shown
to NEWSWEEK—eight soldiers were wounded seriously enough to be evacuated to
military hospitals. Yet at a press conference the next day, there was no mention
of the attack. Pushed by reporters, U.S. officials would only say the incident
was under investigation. It was as if the ambush, and the casualties, had never
happened. msnbc.com
The Emperor Has No Clothes October
20, 2003 Those who have dared to expose the nakedness of the Administration's
policies in Iraq have been subjected to scorn. Those who have noticed the
elephant in the room -- that is, the fact that this war was based on falsehoods
– have had our patriotism questioned. informationclearinghouse.info
Poll: Public Supports Health Care for All October
20, 2003 By WILL LESTER The public's growing unease with the current
health care system has built support for a new approach that would mean care for
all Americans and changes in laws governing prescription drugs, a poll suggests.
ble majority, 70 percent, said it should be legal for Americans to buy
prescription drugs outside the United States, according to the ABC
News-Washington Post poll. One in eight respondents said they or someone in
their home has done just that. Such purchases can save money but they violate
the law. The poll released Sunday found that more than half of Americans, 54
percent, are dissatisfied with the overall quality of health care in the United
States. customwire.ap.org
$87 Billion War Request Details Spending
Democrats Challenge Policy of Higher Funding for Iraqis Than for Americans October
20, 2003 By Jonathan Weisman President Bush formally shipped his $87
billion war spending request to Congress last night, offering new details about
the burgeoning costs of reconstructing Iraq and drawing criticism from Democrats
that the White House is willing to spend more on Iraqis than on U.S. citizens. washingtonpost.com
Is Syria Next?
October 20, 2003 Shortly after 9/11, the government received an extraordinary
gift of hundreds of files on Al Qaeda, crucial data on the activities of radical
Islamist cells throughout the Middle East and Europe and intelligence about
future terrorist plans. These dossiers did not come from Israel or Saudi Arabia,
whose kingdom appeared more concerned at the time with securing safe passage for
members of the bin Laden family living in the United States, but from Syria.
Yet, the Syrians got an unrelenting Washington-sponsored campaign of
vilification when the "Axis of Evil" was expanded to include Syria,
largely because Syria refused to support a pre-emptive war against Iraq. thenation.com
Are Jews Rulers or Ruled?
October 20, 2003 By Henry Makow, Ph.D. "Jews rule the world by
proxy. They get others to fight and die for them." Malaysian Prime
Minister Mahathir Mohamad recently made headlines for this statement to the
Organization of the Islamic Conference, the world's largest Muslim group. The
speech was actually opposed to terrorism but the world media presented it (in
the words of one Jewish leader) as "an absolute invitation for more hate
crimes and terrorism against Jews." thetruthseeker.co.uk
Sen. Lieberman Jeered at Arab-Amerian
Forum October 20, 2003 By Stephanie Simon
DEARBORN, Mich. — He stood before them speaking of solidarity, introducing
himself with words from the Bible: "I am Joseph, your brother." But
Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut was pelted with jeers as he brought his quest
for the Democratic presidential nomination to an Arab-American leadership
conference in this Detroit suburb on Friday. "Go home to Tel Aviv,"
one woman called in disgust as Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew, cast Israelis as
victims of Palestinian terrorism. latimes.com
Battle Hymn of the New Liberal Media: A Good Business Plan
October 19, 2003 by Thom
In the last Democratic debate, one of the questioners pointed out
that fewer Americans identify themselves as either liberals or Democrats than at
any time since before Roosevelt's New Deal. The implicit question was,
"What's so bad about you guys that Americans have decided 'liberal' is a
curse word and people are embarrassed to call themselves Democrats?" thepeoplesvoice.org
Condition Of War Means Never-Ending Attacks Against Our Liberties October
19, 2003 By Chuck
Baldwin It should be painfully obvious to everyone that the United States
has no exit strategy for Afghanistan or Iraq, and that a cessation of war is not
even contemplated by our nation's leaders. In fact, President Bush recently
declared that America is now in a perpetual state of war. Bush made it
clear that the U.S. is now in permanent war status when he recently said,
"Terrorism is an inescapable reality of life. It is a permanent condition
to which America and the entire world must adjust. The need for homeland
security, therefore, is not tied to any specific terrorist threat."
However, such "permanent condition" of war bodes ill for
constitutional government and individual liberty. informationclearinghouse.info
Paris, Berlin and Moscow bow before Bush
October 19, 2003 By Chris Marsden
The United Nations Security Council’s unanimous vote Thursday to support
Resolution 1511 drafted by the United States UN vote on Iraq: represents a
grotesque cave-in by the European powers, Russia and China in the face of
sustained pressure from Washington. Syria’s backing for the resolution
underscores the impotence of the Arab bourgeoisie in face of America’s
military drive to secure its hegemony over the entire Middle East. There is no
doubt that every one of the 15 votes in support of a manifestly illegal
occupation carried out in direct violation of the UN Charter was cast out of
consideration for the geopolitical interests of the governments involved. In
each case, the question of whether to support Washington’s criminal war was
decided on a quid pro quo basis involving either promised rewards—trade
preferences, aid, etc.—or threatened punishment—economic sanctions or
outright military aggression. wsws.org
LADEN: "Abandon Your Follies And Rein In Your Fools"
October 19, 2003 Source:
Al Jazeera "This is a message from Osama bin Muhammad bin Laden
to the American people regarding your aggression in Iraq. Peace be upon those
who follow the righteous path. Some have the impression that you are a
reasonable people. But the majority of you are vulgar and without sound ethics
or good manners. You elect the evil from among you, the greatest liars and the
least decent and you are enslaved by your richest and the most influential among
you, especially the Jews, who lead you using the lie of democracy to support the
Israelis and their schemes and in complete antagonism towards our religion
(Islam). These schemes are paid for in our blood and land, and your blood and
economy. This has been proven by recent events. And the war on Iraq, which has
nothing to do with you, is proof of that. Bush and his gang, with their heavy
sticks and hard hearts, are an evil to all humankind. They have stabbed into the
truth, until they have killed it altogether in the eyes of the world. With this
behaviour they have encouraged hypocrisy, and spread vice and political bribes
shamelessly at the level of heads of state. This gang and their leader enjoy
lying, war and looting to serve their own ambitions. The blood of the children
of Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq is still dripping from their teeth.
They have fooled you and deceived you into invading Iraq a second time. And they
have lied to you and the whole world. jihadunspun.com
Wanton Israeil Gaza Destruction Is A War
Crime October
19, 2003 Amnesty International condemns in the strongest
terms the large-scale destruction by the Israeli army of Palestinian homes in a
refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah, which made homeless
hundreds of people, including many children and elderly people. "The
repeated practice by the Israeli army of deliberate and wanton destruction of
homes and civilian property is a grave violation of international human rights
and humanitarian law, notably of Articles 33 and 53 of the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and constitutes a war crime," said Amnesty International. rense.com
Bush tells Koizumi U.N. is old and should
be reformed
October 19, 2003 TOKYO
— U.S. President George Bush told Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi over dinner
Friday night that the United Nations is "old" and its structure should
be reformed, according to a senior Japanese foreign ministry official. Bush
made the comment after Koizumi asked him to "consider making better use of
the United Nations" to spread America's ideals of freedom and democracy,
the official told reporters. japantoday.com
U.S. Selling Off Iraq-Owned Companies
October 19, 2003 By CHARLES J. HANLEY
BAGHDAD, Iraq The U.S.-led occupation authority is taking initial steps
toward selling off the first of Iraq's scores of state-owned companies to
investors, but will stick to small enterprises until a sovereign Iraqi
government takes over the job, the American privatization chief said Friday. story.news.yahoo.com
the war, week after week after week after week, we were told lie after lie after
lie after lie Senate Floor Remarks By U.S.
Senator Ted Kennedy October 18, 2003 Nearly six months have elapsed since
President Bush flew out to the aircraft carrier and declared "Mission
Accomplished" in Iraq. Today, we all know all too well that the war is not
over; the war goes on; the mission is not accomplished. An unnecessary war,
based on unreliable and inaccurate intelligence, has not brought an end to
danger. Instead, it has brought new dangers, imposed new costs, and taken more
and more American lives each week. truthout.org
Sick, wounded U.S. troops held in squalor
October 18, 2003 By Mark Benjamin
Hundreds of sick and wounded U.S. soldiers including many who served in the Iraq
war are languishing in hot cement barracks here while they wait -- sometimes for
months -- to see doctors. The
National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers' living conditions are so substandard,
and the medical care so poor, that many of them believe the Army is trying push
them out with reduced benefits for their ailments. One document shown to UPI
states that no more doctor appointments are available from Oct. 14 through Nov.
11 -- Veterans Day. upi.com/view.cfm
Link To The
Full Stash Of Diebold Memos...October 18,
2003 by Anon The
following is a link to the incriminating stash of Diebold Election Systems
memos... please take copies of this data and redistribute...http://www.sentry.nu/s/lists/
This set of emails has been posted all over the place
and shut down all over the place. Webmasters - especially those out of the reach
of the DMCA - are encouraged to take a full copy of the memos at the above link.
For background.... the following summary was posed on
DU when the Italian set of files was posted...indybay.org
Protest Bush's Visit to Manila October
Thousands of university students and other activists marched Saturday to
protest President Bush's visit to this city already tense over security
concerns. Waving anti-U.S. placards and streamers saying "Ban Bush"
and "Bush No. 1 terrorist," the protesters began their march at the
sprawling University of the Philippines campus in suburban Quezon City.
Authorities stopped them outside the House of Representatives building, where
Bush was to address a joint session of Congress. miami.com
president formally resigns October
18, 2003 The
president of South America's poorest country, Bolivia, has formally resigned and
fled the capital La Paz. President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada's resignation
follows weeks of violent popular revolt against the government's free market
economic policies. abc.net.au
Updates on Arnold's Win Arnold to Settle
Lawsuits for Pennies on the Dollar? October
18, 2003 by Katherine Yurica Only three days after Mr. Schwarzenegger won
his victory in California, an aide announced that the governor-elect intends to
settle pending energy fraud lawsuits. The announcement comes on the heels of an
article written by investigative reporter Greg Palast who uncovered Enron
internal memos regarding Mr. Schwarzenegger's secret meeting in May 2001 with
Kenneth Lay, the former CEO of Enron. The intent of the power company, according
to Palast, was to sabotage the Davis-Bustamante plan to win back the $9 billion
dollars in illegal profits earned by power moguls. The plan has worked so far.
Clearly Mr. Schwarzenegger should be questioned about his agenda. yuricareport.com
The rich world's disappearing jobs
October 18, 2003 By John Berthelsen and Indrajit Basu If the North
American Free Trade Act passes, "you will hear a giant sucking sound of
jobs going south of the border". - H Ross Perot, 1992 In the developed
world and particularly in the United States, the scope of jobs disappearing
overseas is widening beyond all imagining, to professions that almost nobody
expected to be hit, and with far higher incomes than anybody thought possible as
globalization bonds with the law of unintended consequences. The catalyst is the
Internet. atimes.com
The great left hope?
October 18, 2003
Many progressives are praising Dennis Kucinich
for saying all the right things -- and then they're backing other Democrats. But
the Cleveland populist says he's running to win. Rep. Dennis Kucinich caught
presidential fever about 20 months ago. He had quickly written an impassioned
speech, "A Prayer for America," about the evils of the Bush
administration and his own hopes for the nation, salon.com
expects to call up more reserve support troops for Iraq duty next year
October 18, 2003
Pentagon officials put together a plan to call up more National Guard and
Reserve forces to serve in Iraq, some members of Congress are calling for units
already there to return home. "If
we don't ease the burden on the Guard and Reserves, we're going to have
retention problems," said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a member of the Senate
Armed Services Committee. sfgate.com
WAS AN "INSIDE JOB" October 17, 2003
by voxfux From top to bottom - an inside job - read up, This article is the single most
important work presented by vox information sciences. It contains the single
most important key to uncovering WHAT REALLY HAPPENED on 9/11. It describes in
chilling details the FACTS about the players and events of 9/11.
It is the single most popular research work on this entire site and is the
principal core thesis on which this site is based on. This article is dedicated
to all the many educational institutions and people around the world seeking the
truth about the staged "Terrorist" attacks perpetrated by a
clandestine US group, operating under a plan that is over 20 years old. A plan
to attack the American people and rouse them to become the New World Order's
foot soldiers and worker ant's on a quest for global conquest. It is complete
with FACTS never before presented in one complete work. Originally presented in
may of 2002 it is presented here in it's original form. voxfux.com
'Beware Mad Max world of US' October
17, 2003
United States foreign policy would lead Australia into a "Mad Max
world" where the US would shield itself behind missiles, the former prime
minister, Paul Keating, said yesterday. He criticised the US policy of pre-emptive strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan,
which he said was giving other countries the signal to walk away from
multilateral agreements and treaties. He said small nations like Australia had a vested interest in a rule-based
system around multilateral agreements. smh.com.au
Rumsfeld plans trim of 100 military bases
October 17, 2003 John Hendren Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is planning to cut at least
100 of the nation's 425 military bases, more closures than in the four previous
rounds of base closures combined, beginning in 2005, Pentagon insiders said
Monday. azcentral.com
October 17, 2003 God has chosen US President George Bush to
lead the United States and the fight against 'Satan', according to the general
leading the hunt for Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. It
is alleged Lt Gen William Boykin also claimed that the Christian God is
"bigger" than Allah, who is a false "idol", the Daily
Telegraph reported. The controversial comments will be seized on by Muslims
who will claim the 'war on terror' is a crusade against Islam. sky.com
Dick's Special Interest in $87 Billion
October 17, 2003 By John Nichols Vice President Dick Cheney has a special
interest in this week's Congressional debate on the Bush administration's
request for $87 billion to maintain the occupation of Iraq. Cheney, it is now
evident, retains ties to his former employer, the energy and construction
conglomerate Halliburton. Halliburton is, of course, a prime benecificary of
military and reconstruction expenditures in Iraq. thenation.com
108th CONGRESS 1st Session October 17, 2003 H. R. 163
To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the
United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period
of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland
security, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
January 7, 2003 theorator.com
Cheney, Sharon Plan New, Nuclear Mideast Wars
16, 2003 Lyndon
LaRouche one of only two Democratic Party Presidential candidates certified by
the Federal Election Commission,
issued a strong warning on Oct. 14 that the world is facing a major eruption of
war in the Near East in the immediate weeks ahead, unless President Bush can be
made to intervene forcefully and publicly, to curb Israel's breakaway-ally
regime under Ariel Sharon. LaRouche
said that we have reached a strategic danger-point where, unless
"Beast-man" Dick Cheney is dumped from the Bush Administration, and
"Beast-man" Sharon is stopped, a new Middle East war is virtually
certain between now and some point in November, with the possible new, horrific
feature of Israeli use of nuclear weapons. larouchepub.com
Fears of more US electoral chaos after flaws are discovered in ballot
computers October 16, 2003 By
Andrew Gumbel Next year's US presidential election may be compromised by
newvoting machines that computer scientists believe are unreliable, poorly
programmed and prone to tampering. An investigation published in today's Independent
reveals tens of thousands of touch screen voting machinesmay be less reliable
than the old punchcards, which famously stalled the presidential election in
Florida in 2000, leaving the whole election open to international ridicule. independent.co.uk
Constitutional Issues, Federal & Case Law
October 16, 2003 What
constitutes a legal voting process under the U.S. Constitution and federal law?
I believe it is this: That on election day, in the polling booth only paper
ballots filled out by hand, using nothing more sophisticated than a pen or
pencil, then hand counted right there - at the local polling precinct in full
view of poll watchers - constitutes a legal voting process. Any introduction of
sophisticated technology introduces concealment and secrecy to that part of the
process that depends on public oversight to ensure a fair and honest election. ecotalk.org
All the President's
October 16, 2003 A quiet
revolution is taking place in US politics. By the time it's over, the integrity
of elections will be in the unchallenged, unscrutinised control of a few large -
and pro-Republican - corporations. Andrew Gumbel wonders if democracy in America
can survive informationclearinghouse.info
General Wesley Clark: War Criminal
October 16, 2003 Mitchel
Cohen Gen. Wesley Clark is a major war criminal. Ira Kurzban, attorney
for the Haitian Refugee Center, managed to pry free government documents via a
lawsuit on behalf of the refugees. These contained the startling information
that prison officials had ordered the refugees sprayed repeatedly with highly
toxic chemicals never designed for such generic use. The officer in charge of
the refugee camp? None other than Gen. Wesley Clark, chief of operations at the
US Navy internment camp at Guantanamo, and later he presided over the massive
use of depeleted uranium weapons which poisoned Yugoslavia's water supply and
agriculture, leading to an extremely high rate of miscarriages and childhood
cancers. thetruthseeker.co.uk
Iraq War Swells Al Qaeda's Ranks, Report Says
October 16, 2003 By Peter Graff War in Iraq has swollen the ranks of al
Qaeda and galvanized the Islamic militant group's will, the International
Institute for Strategic Studies said on Wednesday in its annual report. The
2003-2004 edition of the British-based think-tank's annual bible for defense
analysts, The Military Balance, said Washington's assertions after the Iraq
conflict that it had turned the corner in the war on terror were
"over-confident." reuters.com
Bomb attack
highlights pivotal role of US in region
October 16, 2003 Chris
McGreal in Jerusalem Three
killed by blast were with cultural attaché on his way to interview scholarship
candidates in Gaza. In the
back streets of Gaza's refugee camps they have little doubt about why they
believe Ariel Sharon has a free hand to bulldoze their homes, rocket their
neighbourhoods, and cage the West Bank behind a vast "security fence".
It is because America lets him to
do so. guardian.co.uk
Dozens Killed in Ongoing Insurrection
October 16, 2003 26
people were killed in El Alto, Bolivia, Sunday, as the army cracked down
massively on protests against the sale of the country's natural gas to
multinational corporations. [Background]
Unnatural disasters
October 16, 2003 Andrew
Simms Global
warming could create 150 million environmental refugees - but the countries
responsible are in no hurry to carry their share of the costs. The
number of people seeking refuge as a result of environmental disaster is set to
increase dramatically over the coming years. Ironically, given current
attitudes, we in Britain will resist accommodating them, and yet they will have
become refugees as a direct result of the way we in the west live. Global
warming - more than war or political upheaval - stands to displace millions. And
climate change is being driven by our fossil fuel-intensive lifestyles.
Lies about Iraq
rise to level of the absurd
October 16, 2003 Lies beget more lies; a policy built on deception will
always require further deception to sustain itself. Case
in point: The campaign by leading members of the Bush administration to rebuild
faltering support for their invasion of Iraq. To hear them tell it, everything
that has happened since last March has just proved how right they've been all
along. ajc.com
Waxman | 'Halliburton Price Gouging American Taxpayers'
October 16, 2003 Congressmen Waxman and Dingell reveal the prices
that Halliburton has charged to import gasoline into Iraq. Oil industry experts
say Halliburton's prices are "outrageously high," "a huge ripoff,"
and "highway robbery." Read Waxman's statement.
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Read the Congressmen's letter
to the OMB. (Requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader) Committee
on Government Reform - Minority Office
Boycott the Fox News Channel
October 16, 2003 Infoshop.org is calling for a boycott of companies that
advertise on the Fox News Channel. Fox News is the main purveyor of the right
wing agenda in America, which has had a deleterious effect on American politics.
Fox News presents itself falsely as a bastion of " fair and balanced"
journalism and as an alternative to the "liberal media." Infoshop.org is calling for people to boycott products and
services associated with companies that do business with this right wing cable
channel. We seek the removal of Fox News from cable services. Check link for details and support Boycott the Fox New
Channel campaign: la.indymedia.org
/ infoshop.org
/ boycottfoxnews
/ add
your comments
EU Bans Hormone-Fed Meat, Seeks End of U.S. Tariffs
October 16, 2003 (Bloomberg) The European Union permanently banned the import of
U.S. and Canadian hormone-treated meat and asked the two countries to drop
tariffs imposed in retaliation for losses caused to North American beef
exporters. The 15-nation bloc said it now has scientific evidence to justify the ban...bloomberg.com
Rumsfeld's $9 Billion Slush Fund
October 16, 2003
By Fred Kaplan For all the debate over President Bush's $87 billion
supplemental request for military operations and economic reconstruction in
Afghanistan and Iraq, no one seems to have noticed that the sum includes a slush
fund of at least $9.3 billion, which Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld can
spend pretty much as he pleases. informationclearinghouse.info
Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed
October 16, 2003
By John Buchanan After 60 years of
inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government
documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott
Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner
of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war
machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush
and his "enemy national" partners. burningbush
We Were Just Talking:
October 16, 2003 By Daniel Patrick Welch I was surprised by an email from
an old friend, usually apolitical, who wanted to engage me about Dennis Kucinch.
While I don't always put my heart into rising to such bait, I was invigorated
enough by our exchange to share it with the world: My friend began: Danny, I
have to ask...if you're intent on dispensing with Bush, why are you backing
Kucinich instead of a Democratic candidate with a chance? I'm not settled
on anyone as of yet--I can barely keep track of who's running--but after going
with Nader in 2000, I can't stomach going with a beautiful loser Democrat on
election day and then watching four more years of Bush. What are your thoughts? danielpwelch.com
US says it supplied Israel with nuclear missiles for subs Oct
16, 2003 THE OBSERVER Israeli and US officials have admitted collaborating to deploy US-supplied
Harpoon cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads in Israel's fleet of
Dolphin-class submarines, giving the Middle East's only nuclear power the
ability to strike at any of its Arab neighbors. The unprecedented disclosure came as Israel announced that states `harboring
terrorists' are legitimate targets, responding to Syria's declaration of its
right to self-defense should Israel bomb its territory again. taipeitimes.com
Israel angered by Swiss sponsorship of "Geneva
October 16, 2003 By ASSOCIATED PRESS Israel's
government is angered by Swiss sponsorship of an unofficial peace plan worked
out between former Israeli and Palestinian politicians and veteran peace
negotiators, an Israeli Foreign Ministry official said Wednesday. The
still-unreleased 50-page document, worked out primarily under the sponsorship of
Switzerland, has no official standing, but outlines a solution to generations of
conflict and includes a map of a future Palestinian state alongside Israel. jpost.com
October 16, 2003
Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the
emotions, and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message.
To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel
messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices.
This article applies a list of seven propaganda devices to the Israeli
situation, and by doing so allows an understanding of some of the ways in which
public opinion is fought for in the International arena. libertyforum.org
Hitler &
Schwarzenegger as Beast-Men
October 16, 2003 Many
Californians and others have found it difficult to explain how and why Hollywood
geek-act Arnold Schwarzenegger could have become so suddenly a prominent
contender in an impromptu race for Governor. They have been caught off guard by
Schwarzenegger, because they never really understood how Adolf Hitler came to
power in Germany. They have overlooked the fact that Schwarzenegger was chosen
for politics because ] he is in real life the unhuman beast-man whose role has
been his most lucrative Hollywood screen-role. They do not understand what
fascism really was, and is. nex.net.au
US Poisoned Iraqi Public Water
October 16, 2003 / 17 September 2000: The US-led allied forces deliberately
destroyed Iraq's water supply during the Gulf War - flagrantly breaking the
Geneva Convention and causing thousands of civilian deaths. Since the war ended
in 1991 the allied nations have made sure than any attempts to make contaminated
water safe have been thwarted. A respected American professor now intends to
convene expert hearings in a bid to pursue criminal indictments under
international law against those responsible. middleeast.org
2003 By: billym excerpts from interview with a returning soldier;
"I've got to say it: This Bush regime is a bunch of blood thirsty monsters
and ghouls that makes Dracula look like a saint. Due to the now totally
controlled press in America the citizens are no longer allowed to see the
butchery of their leaders. In Viet Nam they saw and rose up against their
leaders in mass protests, so I guess the government learned it would have to
censor all media to prevent that from happening again. It has worked. We are not
allowed to see the flying body parts of children hit with cluster bombs. We need
not contemplate the thousands of children maimed and orphaned by
oil-money-bloodlust of this gang of evildoers in the White House. But the blood
which has been shed stains us all. Bush must be impeached for all this evil and
the whole gang forbidden from ever holding any office ever again." rumormillnews.com
Bush's War Plan Is Scarier Than He's
Saying: The Widening Crusade October 15, 2003 by
Sydney H. Schanberg Some wishful Americans are still hoping President Bush
will acknowledge that his imperial foreign policy has stumbled in Iraq and needs
fixing or reining in, they should put aside those reveries. He's going all the
way—and taking us with him. informationclearinghouse.info
US Soldiers to America: ''Bring us home now; we’re dying for oil
and corporate greed!'' October 15, 2003 By Jay
Shaft I was shocked and angered when I found out how many of the service men
hate being in Iraq and want nothing to do with rebuilding and policing the
devastated nation. From the conversations I had, many soldiers never wanted to
go over to Iraq and fight, and the ones who had were now convinced of the awful
crime that had been committed against Iraq and our own troops. I was told very
few soldiers now believe in staying in Iraq, or want to stay in the country and
serve any more days. scoop.co.nz
Bush's popularity dips
October 15, 2003 US President George W. Bush's
popularity continued to wane in early October and just 38 per cent of
registered voters said they would vote for him in the 2004 presidential
election, a poll found. afr.com
Blowing the whistle on Dubyanomics
October 15, 2003 Joseph Stiglitz is sure there'll be no big economic
recovery. This month the Nobel prize-winning economist returned to Britain as an
acidic economic polemicist, with a more direct message about the US economy.
There will not be a robust recovery, and the fault can be traced to Federal
Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan's actions during the Nineties, and the policy
failures of President Bush. guardian.co.uk
U.S. 2004 Deficit Will Surge to $600 Bln, Firms Say
October 15, 2003 (Bloomberg) The U.S. budget deficit will surge to a
record $600 billion in the fiscal year that began on Oct. 1 as the government
increases spending on Iraq. quote.bloomberg.com
'Do as We Say, but Not as We Do' Is the New US Message
October 15, 2003 By LINDA S. HEARD "America’s double standards
were never more glaring than the way that the respective stories of Americans
Jessica Lynch and Rachel Corrie were handled, both by its government and press
.." As US President Bush berated the Cuban regime for its oppressive
policies and imprisonment of dissidents on Friday, the International Committee
of the Red Cross (ICRC) launched an unusually stinging criticism of the US for
its open-ended incarceration of so called “war on terror” detainees. palestinechronicle.com
Bush’s New Morally Bankrupt PR Campaign on Terrorism and Iraq
October 15, 2003 by
Jacob G. Hornberger The Bush administration is at it once again — engaging
in a new public-relations
campaign to scare the American people half to death with the possibility of
terrorist attacks with weapons of mass destruction and to garner support for its
invasion and continued occupation of Iraq, which has not only cost the lives of
thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of Americans but which now has also become an
economic black hole that threatens
the economic security of our nation by sucking hundreds of billions of
dollars out of the pockets of the American people. fff.org
The Soviet Republic of Texas
October 15, 2003 YOU MIGHT THINK America's rigged
system of congressional elections couldn't get much worse. Self-serving
redistricting schemes nationwide already have left an overwhelming number of
seats in the House of Representatives so uncompetitive that election results
are practically as preordained as in the old Soviet Union. In the last
election, for example, 98 percent of incumbents were reelected, and the average
winning candidate got more than 70 percent of the vote. More candidates ran
without any major-party opposition than won by a margin of less than 20
percent. Yet even given this record, the just-completed Texas congressional
redistricting plan represents a new low. washingtonpost.com
Turned away at border October 15, 2003 By
PAM ZUBECK The love story of Trevor Hughes and his fiancee began in an
elementary school in the Himalayan foothills. He was a diplomat’s son. She the
daughter of missionaries. They lived in Asia, attended school together, fell in
love and want to get married in June. But when Hughes’ fiancee, a German
national, tried to visit him on a six-month tourist visa Monday, she was
detained in Atlanta, handcuffed, jailed even stripped of her diamond engagement
ring. Then, after 20 hours without food, she was put on a plane and shipped
back to Stuttgart. “This isn’t the America I fought for,” said
Hughes, who served in the Navy and U.S. diplomatic corps. “You don’t expect
that from a great country like ours.” informationclearinghouse.info
Why is Israel the only country America
won’t hold accountable? October 15, 2003 As-Safir
(Beirut) Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein remains a power to be
reckoned with in Iraq and he still enjoys widespread support, columnist Sateh
Nouriddine said Monday. “It seems as though Saddam is more in control of
the ground in Iraq than the US-British alliance,” the columnist added. “It
is not the Americans and British who are laying siege to Saddam’s suspected
locations, but rather the other way round.” informationclearinghouse.info
Gaza raids a 'war crime'
October 15, 2003 Human rights group Amnesty International on Monday condemned
Israeli raids at the weekend on the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah that
killed eight Palestinians, describing the operation as a "war crime".
"The repeated practice by the Israeli army of deliberate and wanton
destruction of homes and civilian property is a grave violation of international
human rights and humanitarian law... and constitutes a war crime," Amnesty
said in a written statement issued in London. news24.com
Militarization of Russia is Underway October
15, 2003 A new military doctrine, compulsory military education at schools and
compulsory periodic training of persons subject to the draft to come into effect
The RF State Duma approved the first reading of a bill on compulsory military
training at schools and professional colleges. On Friday October 10, Russian
deputies adopted amendments to the law "On military service and military
duty" and the law "On education". pravda.ru
Police State USA
October 15, 2003 A police state exists when federal and state police mechanisms:
1 Serve the central government instead of serving the citizens. 2 Enforce the
policies of the central government instead of responding primarily to criminal
misdeeds. 3 Spy on and intimidate citizens. All these conditions now exist in
the United States! hermes-press.com
States of war
October 15, 2003 George Monbiot Appeasing the armed forces has become a
political necessity for the American president. Whenever a big business pressure
group holds its annual conference or dinner, Tony Blair or Gordon Brown or
another senior minister will come and beg it not to persecute the government.
George Bush flies around the United States, flattering the companies that might
support his re-election, offering tax breaks and subsidies even before the
companies ask for them. guardian.co.uk
DISEASE? October 15, 2003 By Joe Vialls
There is also the question of why we have become increasingly vulnerable to
every form of cancer as each year goes by. Is there a direct link between easily
researched and steadily increasing quantities of chemicals and additives in our
food and water supplies, or has the removal of certain intrinsic factors from
our refined western diets been more to blame? Specifically where vulnerability
is concerned, there is compelling evidence that the removal of vitamin B17 from
our diets has played the greatest single role. joevialls.co.uk
Bush Family Babysitter Killed in Fairfax
October 15, 2003 A babysitter for the
family of Marvin Bush was found dead Monday night outside the family's Fairfax
County home, and police said that she had been crushed when her car rolled into
her, pinning her between the vehicle and an outbuilding on the property.
Fairfax County police said Bertha Champagne, 62, had worked for several years
for Marvin Bush, President Bush's brother, and lived at the family home on Fort
Hunt Road in the Alexandria section of Fairfax.
Officer Courtney Young, a police spokeswoman, said Champagne had gone outside
the house about 9 p.m. Monday, reportedly to retrieve something from her car.
The vehicle had been in gear, police said, and appeared to have rolled in her
direction when Champagne was in front of it.
After pinning Champagne, Young said, the car continued rolling toward Fort Hunt
Road, near the intersection of Edgehill Drive.
Champagne was taken to an area hospital and declared dead that evening. Young
said she did not know the cause of death. washingtonpost.com
E-Vote Firm Patch Election? October
14, 2003 By Kim Zetter Diebold
Election Systems has had a tumultuous year, and it doesn't look like it's
getting any better. Last January the electronic voting machine maker faced
public embarrassment when voting activists revealed the company's insecure FTP
server was making its software source code available for everyone to see. Then
researchers and auditors who examined code for the company's touch-screen voting
system released two separate reports
stating that the software was full of serious security
flaws. Now a former worker in Diebold's Georgia warehouse says the company
installed patches on its machines before the state's 2002 gubernatorial election
that were never certified by independent testing authorities or cleared with
Georgia election officials. If the charges are true, Diebold could be in
violation of federal and state election-certification rules. wired.com
Stock Buys From Insiders at
10-Year Low October
14, 2003 By James Bernstein Since March,
investors have bid up share prices almost consistently, apparently convinced
that the economy is improving, corporate earnings are growing again and the
market rally is real. Corporate insiders apparently don't agree. Stock purchases
by insiders was at its lowest level in a decade during the third quarter,
according to Thomson Financial, which tracks market trends. newsday.com
9/11 commission suggests creating
domestic spy agency October
14, 2003 By Laurence Arnold
The independent commission studying the Sept. 11 terror attacks is considering
recommending changes in U.S. intelligence that would go well beyond actions of
the Bush administration, including creation of a domestic spy agency modeled
after Britain's MI5. salon.com